Pinball Owners
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Pinball Collection of albertos81
3 pinball machines
last updated: 05/14/2024
  Member: albertos81
From: Agugliaro, Italy (find on the map)
Specialty': Dot-Matrix Solid-State
Member since: 07/15/2019
5 Collectors in albertos81's network   show
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albertos81 owns these 3 pinballs:

pinball nameDBmanufacturerconditionis it for sale?notespictures
CIRQUS VOLTAIRE Midway (USA)Set up, plays!Yes!
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Bellissimo circus revisionato a led piano molto bello neon nuovo € 9000 trattabile dopo visione
THE ADDAMS FAMILY Bally (USA)Set up, plays!Yes!
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Buon addams a led con elastici silicone , macrolon , revisionato e pulito schede ok batterie spostate di lato, decal interne , nuove decal testata, piano di gioco buono , minimi segna di usura , possibile pin2dmd o schermo originale 8600-8800€
THEATRE OF MAGIC Midway (USA)Set up, plays!Nevertutto a led anche flash piano perfetto, sega motorizzata, mod catena cubo, mod bacchette laterali luminose , pin2dmdXL, particolari verniciati oro, decal alternative come la translite bryan allen
Pinball machines that albertos81 used to own in the past
(the following games are no longer part of albertos81's collection)
pinball nameDBmanufactureris it for sale?notespictures
FAMILY GUY Stern (USA)Sold buon conservato tutto funzionante
INDIANA JONES: THE PINBALL ADVENTURE Williams (USA)Sold bel piano non con la solita camicia graffiata, cassone sbiadito , in fase di trasformazione a led, pin2dmd.
INDIANA JONES: THE PINBALL ADVENTURE Williams (USA)Sold cassone originale decal nuove full led decal interne palline nuove piano top
INDIANA JONES: THE PINBALL ADVENTURE Williams (USA)Sold da restaurare ha bisogno di cure. Restaurato completato e venduto
IRON MAIDEN PRO Stern (USA)Sold non ha bisogno di presentazioni
JURASSIC PARK PREMIUM Stern (USA)Sold Flipper top, macrolon dalla prima palla , con le varie mod , side, shaker, audio potenziato, convolux, apron ecc.. 300 partite Da vetrina 10500€
ROLLERCOASTER TYCOON Stern (USA)Sold Flipper funzionante in fase di completamento conversione a led elastici e pulizia Restaurato venduto
TALES OF THE ARABIAN NIGHTS Williams (USA)Sold revisionato convertito a led pin2dmd inside decal particolari verniciati oro. € 9500 trattabile dopo visione
THE ADDAMS FAMILY Bally (USA)Sold Piano pressochè perfetto, tutto revisionato a led , pin2dmd , macrolon , cassone originale , sideart ecc.. 9500€
THE ADDAMS FAMILY Bally (USA)Sold da completare e restaurare . Restaurato e venduto
THEATRE OF MAGIC Bally (USA)Sold Stupendo a dir poco... cassone perfetto decal nuove led molte mod , sega motorizzata ecc richiesta 8200€ trattabile dopo visione
TWILIGHT ZONE Midway (USA)Sold ottimo ben conservato tutto led anche flash revisionato , palline nuove gambe nuove cromate palla ceramica originale. in vendita a 7500€
DISCLAIMER: This page shows the pinball machine Collection of PinballOwners member albertos81 from Agugliaro, Italy. The coin operated pinball machines listed above, including their images, were uploaded into our database by albertos81 himself; albertos81 is the sole responsible for the information contained in this page. The pinball machines shown above are not necessarily for sale! Please refer to the 4th column in the list to know whether a certain pinball is for sale or not. Most likely albertos81's pinball machines are second-hand (used) pinballs that were once installed in bars and other public places; their value as a collectible largely depends on appearance and functionality of every single machine.
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albertos81's network - Collectors that albertos81 trusts
5 Collectors in albertos81's network:
Bergamo, Italy
San Prospero, Italy
Vicenza, Italy
Stockerau, Austria
Trebaseleghe, Italy
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