Pinball Owners
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Pinball Collection of dado73
3 pinball machines
last updated: 02/05/2006
  Member: dado73
From: roma, Italy (find on the map)
Specialty': no specialty
Member since: 02/05/2006
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dado73 owns these 3 pinballs:

pinball nameDBmanufacturerconditionis it for sale?notespictures
FISH TALES Williams (USA)Set up, plays!Nevernon capisco perchè nella classifica dei collezionisti "pinside pinbal top 100" non occupa le prime posizioni, perchè ce l'ho da sei anni e lo trovo sempre divertentissimo.
INDIANA JONES Williams (USA)Set up, plays!Nevermolto bello, abitando al quinto piano e non entrando in ascensore ed essendo un pò più pesante degli altri due che gia avevo da tempo, i trasportatori hanno inveito contro tutti i collezionisti e appassionati come me le condizioni sono spettacolari
THE ADDAMS FAMILY Bally (USA)Set up, plays!Nevermi piacerebbe trovare il pupazzetto che si trova sulla poltrona, non l'ho mai visto in nessun flipper ma su alcune foto prese nel web sembrerebbe zio fester con un ciuccio giallo in bocca.
DISCLAIMER: This page shows the pinball machine Collection of PinballOwners member dado73 from roma, Italy. The coin operated pinball machines listed above, including their images, were uploaded into our database by dado73 himself; dado73 is the sole responsible for the information contained in this page. The pinball machines shown above are not necessarily for sale! Please refer to the 4th column in the list to know whether a certain pinball is for sale or not. Most likely dado73's pinball machines are second-hand (used) pinballs that were once installed in bars and other public places; their value as a collectible largely depends on appearance and functionality of every single machine.
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